About Us

Chartered Accountants Firm (AF002001)

BAL & PARTNERS PLT (“the Firm”) was officially formed and registered as a Chartered Accountants Firm on 20 October 2010. The philosophy of the Firm is to grow with its clients through the provision of personal advice, consultancy and high quality professional services. One important link between the Firm and its clients is the inter-linked growth that both enjoy. Through the provision of high quality, personalised service, our clients have enjoyed tremendous growth. The Firm has the size, knowledge and experience to provide its clients the high quality professional services that will meet their requirements.

The philosophy of the Firm is to grow with its clients through the provision of personal advice, consultancy and high quality professional services. One important link between the Firm and its clients is the inter-linked growth that both enjoy. Through the provision of high quality, personalised service, our clients have enjoyed tremendous growth. This growth has in turn contributed to our own growth, in term of staff, locations, expertise and specialist departments. Our growth, in turn, places us in a better position to offer higher quality service to our clients. Currently, we are experiencing a steady growth in our clientele and staff strength. This is indicative of the growth that both we and our clients enjoy.